Star Employee Intranet

  • Rails
  • Postgres
  • Sphinx
  • Ruby
  • JRuby
  • Apache-POI
  • jQuery
for Star Health and Allied Insurance Limited

Star Employee Intranet was aimed to smoothen the communication and cohesiveness among teams in the company. This project was started when the company was establishing presence in several towns and smaller business districts in India. Setting up their private network was expensive and a long drawn process. That is when the company envisioned the intranet on the cloud.

The intranet was packed with:

  • Document Sharing with git style versioning
  • Event and Calendar management
  • Gallery and Image uploads
  • A Discussion Forum
  • An internal corporate blog

This enabled the client to leverage our tool to ease their communication.


The entire site had to be searchable. We had used JRuby and the Apache POI project to parse uploaded documents and make their content also available for search by indexing it with Sphinx. We used PDFBox for parsing the PDFs. The entire site was built with Rails 2.3 running on Apache and Passenger with Postgres as the backend datastore. The UI was built with HTML and Javascript. The Document Share module was built as a single page app using JQuery and SammyJS to ensure optimal user experience.


  • Sphinx
  • Ruby
  • JRuby
  • Sinatra
  • jQuery
  • MongoDB
  • Beanstalkd
  • Chef
for HealthSuperHiway Pvt Ltd

PHRHealthConnect is a health care platform that allows users to store and track their personal health information. We were involved right from the drawing board stages to delivery. It also features a tools platform for building health application mashups. Health providers can use this platform to provide custom apps like Health Risk assessments and employers can use this to build health surveys without having to engage the engineering team. It is currently being offered by Apollo Hospitals as Apollo Prism. It is also offered free to Dell consumers via

On the Apollo Prism offering we built an Agent to import data from legacy HIS systems written in disparate technologies and feed them to the PHR. In fact, when you walk in to any of the Apollo Hospitals in India in the near future, you can seamlessly access your test results and blood work online. It is currently live in Chennai, Bangalore and Delhi and has over 20,000 users in less than 3 months of launch.


  • Sinatra with Ruby 1.9.2 hosted on Thin (moving to unicorn)
  • MongoDB 1.6.x in a Replica Set configuration
  • Custom ORM built on top of MongoMapper to support access control at the model layer
  • Beanstalkd for queue processing
  • Sphinx for full text search
  • JRuby based agent for pushing data to the server
  • JQuery and JQuery UI for AJAX
  • Two factor authentication with SMS for sign up
  • Chef for automating deployment

Claps and Boos

  • Ruby
  • Sinatra
  • jQuery
  • MongoDB
  • OpenID
  • Capistrano
for Claps and Boos

Claps and Boos is a movie review website with a difference. It sports a strong 11,000 plus strong member community which was completely bootstrapped. The entire site was built in little over 3 months. The site encourages participation using an XBox style achievements system called badges. Here are a few salient features for the app.

  • OpenID support for logging in with Google/Yahoo account
  • A review and independent article publishing platform with moderation
  • A flexible commenting system on Movies, Reviews and Articles
  • A flexible scoring system for both movies and reviews
  • Badges for user activity to improve engagement


  • MongoDB as the backend
  • Built with Sinatra and MongoMapper
  • Extensive use of JQuery and JQuery UI for rating
  • Use gravatar for user avatars
Users do not have the hazzle of registering. They can simply login using Google/Yahoo account to add content.